Wednesday 7 July 2010

Return of "REH Word of the Week"

The longest-running series on The Cimmerian blog, and one of the most popular, was Barbara Barrett's REH Word of the Week.  With The Cimmerian gone, some might be concerned that they'll lose their periodic dose of Howardian vocabulary.  Fear not, lexiophiles: Word of the Week is back!

I shan't spoil the word for the rebirth: suffice to say, it seems Babs is right back on track.  With William Patrick Maynard finding a home at Black Gate (an ideal home for the pulp-lover), hopefully the rest of the Cimmerian alumni will land on their feet.


  1. Great news! Glad to see Miss Barbara posting again!

    I miss all of the Shieldwall Gang, and am very glad they're starting to pop up again after the 11th.

    Al, please be sure to keep us up to speed on other Cimmerian alum who start posting again.

    (glad to have this here blog up on the bookmark toolbar)

  2. one of my favourites blogger in TC

  3. Tex: William Patrick Maynard isn't the only former Cimmerian blogger posting on Black Gate (

    Brian Murphy is now on BG too:

    Also, both still have their own blogs. Brian has the Silver Key
    and Bill Seti Says:

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  6. >And now, the post as it should have read...<

    Coolness, Miguel!

    Obviously, I need to poke my nose into the Black Gate more often.

    And I heartily recommend BOTH their blog-sites as well. Mr. Maynard appears to be the more dangerous of the two--he got me reading Sax Rohmer again! (I even bought the first three Fu-Manchu books in the Masterpieces of Oriental Mystery editions.)

    (so much GOOD stuff to read out there)

    PS--Francisco, I joined Keith Taylor's Yahoo group as soon as I saw the notice for it on the REH Forum. WONDERFUL things there from The Man himself!
