Sunday, 30 May 2010

Triangulation: Lang, Lawsuits, Bakshi, Moorcock, Tolkien Art, Frazetta & REH,

Obviously, before the big news broke, I had a lot of plans for The Cimmerian. However, those plans will not be in vain, as will become clear soon. For now, a double-dipping of Triangulation, since I seem to have forgotten last week's.

On Tuesday the 18th, I link to Stephen Lang speaking on the Conan film. Comparisons to Jason & the Argonauts have me worrying about a certain other Harryhausen film, or rather its remake... Thursday the 20th, Paradox & Orion have settled their hash. Maybe now we can get Conan's Brethren, huzzah! Saturday the 22nd is right in the middle of the internet blackout, so in an absolute panic I just did a post on Robert Rodriguez announcing Fire & Ice.

Wednesday the 26th brings Moorcock back into The Cimmerian's sights, possibly for the last time. Thursday the 27th yet another short post, this time to a link of Tolkien artists. Finally, on Saturday the 29th, I get the big guns out, and go on with The Art of Frank Frazetta & Robert E. Howard, Part 1. Here I discuss the first iconic Conan picture. I've no doubt people will call it pretentious and snooty, but given I rarely feel like I'm clever in comparison to established Howard scholars, I'll take what I can get.

Again, I'll fully address the situation on The Cimmerian soon.


  1. You are probably one of the most mellow Howard pundits out there.. not going to name names but some of them come across as downright crotchety at best and passive-you-wanna-fight-about-it-!?-aggressive....

  2. I hope you'll post the articles planned for The Cimmerian here instead.

    And I really hope Keith Taylor gets a blog of his own. I love his Uther stuff.

  3. Gabriele C is absolutely right, the history oriented articles of Keith J Taylor are great, maybe the most interesting for me because of my likes about ancient, dark ages and medieval history... of course the rest of the articles related to literature by all the bloggers are equally great...

  4. I don't think we have to worry about Keith: he'll undoubtedly find a new home.
